In the vibrant state of California, in a cozy corner of the United States, resides an adventurous octogenarian named Robert Wilson. At 80 years old, Robert, a retired IT professional with a rich history at the Walt Disney Company headquarters, has found himself embarking on a new journey—one that transcends borders and languages.
Being an American with English as his native language, Robert's heart has always been open to learning. His retirement, however, didn't confine him to a life of leisure. A unique opportunity arose when a contact at a university in Thailand expressed interest in someone with Robert's IT background. Eager to contribute, Robert flew across the ocean to assist Thomas Audit University in installing the internet.
Robert, a casual learner, found himself enrolled in a study program tailored for individuals around the age of 50. The catch? The lectures were conducted entirely in Thai, a language he was unfamiliar with. Despite the linguistic challenge, he dedicated about three weeks to attending classes, with only one meeting per week in the Thai lecture series.
In the pursuit of effective communication, the idea of human translation was considered. T